Best Floor Mopping Techniques For Business and Yourself

Have you ever thought how to mop a floor? Or, What is the best way to mop a floor? Here you can find out the best techniques of mopping a floor and pros and cons of it.

So, there are different approaches to mop the floors. You can do it by hand standing on your knees or you can use a mop and a bucket or you can use a Swiffer. But it all depends in what environment you working at. And also you got to see if you doing it for yourself at your own home or running it as a business.

Home mopping techniques

Some of the people prefer to mop floors by hand standing on their knees, which is nothing wrong with it. You can get in every corner of the room and won’t miss any spots since you would be facing the floor closely. Yes, it’s easy to do it if you have a small apartment but what if you have a big house. For the bigger house, you can always use a mop and a bucket or the Swiffer. Always pay attention to what kind of floor you mopping; tile, stone, hardwood and etc…

Business mopping techniques

So there are different ways of running a cleaning business. You can run your business as a sole cleaner, where you will be the one who does all the work. Or, you can run your business by building a company and have a team of workers to clean.

Sole cleaning…

Now, as we mentioned earlier, if you’re a sole cleaner, and you’re only ever going to be a sole cleaner, and that’s the way you want to do it, that’s up to you. Mopping floors by hands on your knees, that may be a good idea for you as a sole provider but it is not scalable. So if you go in on your initial walkthrough and you train your customers that mopping the floor by hands on your knees is the best way to go, you’ve boxed yourself in. Now, as you become old, and your back goes bad, or your knees go bad, and you are not able to do it, you become less efficient and less effective in their eyes. Because now you can’t do what you sold them on. So pay attention to what you sell the customer because they might remember everything and they tell all their friends.

Company cleaning…

Let’s see the next part about that it’s not scalable. So, if you’re a house cleaner and you only mop the floors by hands on your knees, yeah that’s good for you. You’re different from everyone else. But it’s not scalable. As you hire employees unless the employees are physically able to do the floors by hands on their knees and they agree to do that. They won’t stay with you for too long anyway. Since it’s physically very hard and they will burn out fast. It’s just not scalable or practical at all. So to make it more scalable and practical you got to use a mop and a bucket or Swiffer. For all valid and very good reasons, you should use a mop and train your employees to do so. It’s not something difficult and you won’t be able to teach, and train, and direct to your people. So I don’t recommend the cleaning floors by hands on your knees for most scenarios.

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